About the Journal
The Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology, first published in 1976 under the founding editor, David Brose, is the official publication of the Midwest Archaeological Conference, Inc. The journal publishes original papers on pre-Columbian and historic archaeology of the region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Great Plains, and from the Boreal Forests to the mid-South, or closely related topical issues. While the journal focuses on the dissemination of new and primary prehistoric and historic period archaeological data from this heartland region of the United States and Canada, it also regularly publishes on broader theoretical and methodological issues relevant to an understanding of the archaeology of the midcontinent. Papers are analytic, often incorporate cutting edge field and laboratory methods applied in clear theoretical, problem oriented contexts. Most journal volumes consist of stand-alone articles, but the MCJA occasionally publishes issues of papers that address specific themes, sites, or topics.
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